Friday, 12 July 2013

Crypto +R (Cryptomonadales - Resveratrol)

CRYPTOMONADALES - RESVERATROL plus is the perfect health food and natural remedy produced by the sophisticated manufacturing process under the sponsor of scientific and medical groups in the most prestigious medical research institutions in Taiwan: the National Health Research Institute and Institute of Technology and Information Science in Taiwan.

Cryptomonadales - Resveratrol plus contains natural products rich in natural PPAR (peroxisome proliferators activated receptors) agonists and grape skin extract resveratrol, the two most promising health and nutrition molecules in the 21st century. PPARs molecules have been documented to play important roles in metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes), anti-inflammation and immune disorders (asthma, eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythromatosis), and cancer (prostate, breast, hepatoma, etc.).

Resveratrol could additionally upregulate the longevity gene SIRT-1, prevent from ageing and prolong the life span for up to 50% in C. elegans, fly and fish. Resveratrol can also upregulate PGC1-a, the co-activator of PPAR-r and act in a synergistic way with PPAR agonists. Therefore, the combination of PPAR agonists and resveratrol in this product Cryptomonadales - resveratrol plus have synergistic effects to promote health, and to treat metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, immune disorders, ageing and cancers, all of which represent the major diseases in the 21st century.

Cryptomoandales and PPARs will be introduced in detail on their nutritional and medical values mainly from our researches in Taiwan, and followed by the introduction of Resveratrol.

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